Sunday, August 21, 2011

Arancini, again!

Hello, happiness.

A couple months ago I had a wonderful lesson in making arancini. I made them again last week. This time I was on my own and making them from memory. They tasted exactly the same as when Rob's aunt was here. That made me so happy! And it made my belly happy.

I haven't been blogging much lately because I have been out and about enjoying summer as much as humanly possible. I will however, be posting about some raspberry ricotta scones I made a couple days ago. In fact, I'm eating one now. Mmmmmmm...look for that post soon! :)


  1. I really need to try these sometime. They look amazing! And ricotta, I love anything ricotta!

  2. Natalie, if you ever visit Chicago I will personally make them for you. :D Anytime I've ever had them in a restaurant they just are just not the same.

  3. Well, I like Chicago and have been there twice, so you never know, I could show up on your doorstep! Ronna goes there too, so watch out. ;)

  4. I have my apron on and I am ready! :D
